The answer of L’Acero di Daphne to the COVID-19 crisis: by using the telematic media, we did not interrupt the relationship of care
20 March 2020
The COVID-19 crisis forced all of us to radically change our ways to connect in order to reduce to a minimum the risk of contagion. During this time, the patients with chronic progressive diseases – those in charge of L’Acero di Daphne and their families – are suffering because of isolation and solitude.
The professional team of L’Acero di Daphne continues to offer their medical, psychological and physio-therapeutic support. Also, they have decided to dedicate time to patients, family members and health professionals (Nurses, Physicians, Technicians) who feel the need to share doubts, fear, physical and psychological burdens, using telephone conversations, WhatsApp, or a telematic individual encounter.
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L'Acero di Daphne ODV
Via Palazzin 2/B - 37024
Negrar di Valpolicella (Verona)